Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Ants are perhaps one of the most resilient bugs on land.  They will fiercely protect their territory against invaders and very often they prey on other bugs and ants too.  In particular, the weaver ants display a very high level of teamwork, and some of them will readily sacrifice themselves for the safety of others.

I have taken a keen interest to photograph some of the common ants in Malaysia.  They make fantastic subjects to the patient photographer.

A mother ant protecting it's young babies.  Some of them are at differeny\t stages of development.

Another mother ant.  This ant will eventually shed its wings before laying eggs.

The following photos show excellent teamwork among the weaver ants as they come across a void area while transporting their egg/pupa.

Weaver ants are also fierce predators and will often encroach into other ants' territory for food.

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